More Souls to Heaven

St Joseph and power over addiction

December 27, 2020

It’s incredibly challenging to admit you have a problem, and especially hard to recover from a problem when you think your problem is one that is at the very least, tolerated by society.

The fact of the matter is that our world is incredibly sexualized, and there are too many movies, shows, literature and references in our world that make it appear as if it is okay or normal that other people are to be used for our own pleasure. The sad truth of the matter is that a large majority of people struggle with this type of lustful sin, but do not seek help because the world allows this type of behavior.

The first step towards recovery

Healing can begin when we take a step back and have a change of heart and understand what in our hearts was upsetting us that led us to this in the first place. For me, this change of heart and understanding happened many years ago, but my body still struggled with the effects of stopping a behavior that had been going on for many years. Prayer, fasting, confessions, Eucharistic adoration, therapy, friends and family all helped me be born again in Christ, but it didn’t heal me. I felt confused, and tired after trying so long - why wasn’t God healing me?

After one confession, I felt God change something in my brain - I felt different, a good different. I am now healed, I thought. Far from the truth, my body still had to heal.

The fact in my case is that the body once withdrawn from such an activity can experience symptoms over many months, ranging from rapid heart rate, fatigue, naseua, uncontrollable shaking, constipation, diarrhea and headaches. It was the presence of these symptoms that led me to understand I was recovering from an addiction. Proper vigilence must be taken when you are experiencing these symptoms because they can lead into past habits.

Calling upon St. Joseph

My body was still experiencing withdrawal, and so I continued to delve further in the Catholic faith and traditions to look for healing. By God’s grace, I read this quote from St. Theresa of Avila:

“I know by experience that the glorious St. Joseph assists us generally in all necessities. I never asked him for anything which he did not obtain for me.”

I began to ask for St. Joseph’s intercession by saying his 30 day novena. Over the course of the novena, my body began to heal considerably, to the point where the withdrawal symptoms are barely affecting me like they had in the past. To this great healing, I kneel down and praise and thank the Lord and ask for His same healing for others who want to walk towards healing.

We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28