More Souls to Heaven

More inclusion

January 19, 2021

Focusing on inclusion is not the answer.

Focusing on a diverse workplace is not the answer.

Focusing on fair pay and equal treatment is not the answer.

Focusing on equal rights is not the answer.

Our love is the answer

In order for us to heal the wounds the world has inflicted on itself and on each one of us, we can’t focus on these “initiatives.” These initiatives fix the side-effect of brokenness, and not the brokenness itself. Just as Christians understand sin; there is a sin and an effect of sin. We may struggle with anger, which can bring about hurt or the damaging of relationships. In the same way, we apply this understanding to the world and all of its problems.

There is lack of empathy, which brings about discrimination. There is a lack of generosity, which hampers diversity. There is greed, which prevents fair and equal treatment. There is superiority, which brings division.

In order for us to heal the world and bring about good, we need to heal ourselves. Once we are healed, we can treat others with love and respect which in turn fixes all of the problems we have in our world today.

How do we love?

We learn what love is and how to love others through the intimate love Jesus shows us in our daily lives. Through the Scriptures and Church traditions, we see and experience the great love Jesus showed to his friends. By continually immersing ourselves in Jesus’s story and his love for us, we learn to see what it means to truly love.

Let us take the love, and continually pray and grow closer to Jesus, that he may show us what love is and may this love transform us and heal the brokenness the world is in.

We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28